Marten Runow, Performia International Founder says the following about motivation: Motivation is both simple and [...]
When things get tough; for example hiring is taking longer because ads are not getting [...]
You know from your training that we talk a lot about the importance of honesty [...]
“Time” is the most precious thing we have, yet not many people value it that [...]
Happy New Year! We hope you had some time to reflect, acknowledge yourself for all [...]
Employee retention and low turnover rates are often a challenge, especially when you as a [...]
We love helping our clients and seeing their growth and transformations over time in their [...]
Have you thought about the definition of a team? A group of individuals that work [...]
The knowledge on how to hire the right people and build a productive team is [...]
Nurturing your business journey through knowledge is one of the best decisions. Whether it is [...]