You may not be surprised to know that the best cultures aren’t created because of the best perks, conditions, most beautiful offices and equipment.

So then why is it that these are the things often promoted to try and find the right candidates?

The people you hire will form your culture.

We often see that when companies struggle with finding the right person, they resort to doing one of two things:

1. They lower their benchmark / expectations
2. They increase the pay and benefits or sell how good the job and company is.

The reality is that the above is a recipe for attracting people who want more money, for doing less work…not who you want. (See the characters pulling at the back of our Cart video.)

Let’s look at the types of people you truly want to attract – The PERFORMERS

From last week’s newsletter you’ll remember we talked about the average retention where people are moving roles after 12 years.

Of course flat out retention doesn’t always mean a high performer since we know sometimes companies hold onto the wrong people for longer than they should.. and also some people are excellent at hiding whilst making themselves look valuable!!


The market is filled with people lower on the performance and contribution scale.

This makes it crucial that you are VERY skilled at writing your ads to attract TOP PERFORMERS who do not apply to the usual ads, and have a very effective screening process in place to weed out the low producers right at the start.


Unfortunately, the industry norm is to sell how great the job is, how amazing the company is to work for, the generous conditions and benefits.

These types of ads create the path to an “entitled” culture that is difficult to manage and hard to keep focused on improving results.

Results driven people, like 99% of people, love good money and conditions. But more importantly, they are looking for jobs where they feel they gain a sense of fulfillment and an appreciation for their contribution.

They are assessing the challenge to be sure it is something they will feel good about taking on each day and year they are working with you.

Arguably, most happiness in life comes from the fulfillment of a career that contributes to the business and the wider community.

When a productive, results focussed person is pursuing job ads or they are offered a new job, they will be assessing if that job will make them more or less fulfilled and thus, happier. They may or may not be fully aware of this when perusing the job market, but either way, job ads written to attract results based people and screen out the more “entitled” applicants, are the first step to building your elite, sports like culture.

With split testing ads and seeing the teams our clients have built, we know the ads that work best for every position.

Ready to find out more? Schedule a free Performia Discovery and get the strategy towards a more productive, safe and fun team.

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