We speak with many businesses that want to avoid using recruitment agencies.
The fees can be quite expensive but this on its own is not the issue. The results of the hirings can be hit and miss. Some agencies will also contact placed candidates to offer them new roles which achieves more revenue for the agency, but a disservice to the original client.
Many will entice candidates to move companies by attracting them to better pay and conditions at the new company. Unfortunately, this is the worst way to attract new people for a team. People who move roles based on more money and benefits primarily are not going to stay for the right reasons.
Attracting people in this way becomes the recipe for an entitlement focused, non-performance focused culture.
But even with all of this, we are not here to tell you to not use recruiters..
However if you are interested in an alternative, you can bring your hiring completely in-house, improve the quality of hires, reduce costs and avoid using agencies.
You just need to have the right strategy and system which Performia can set you up with.
Two things to pay close attention to if you are going to use agencies:
1. Get a non-biased Performia evaluation done to check the potential performance and personality suitability of candidates, BEFORE you decide to hire them.
This is the best way to protect your business, know more about the potential of a person and also it will help you develop the best out of a person should you choose to hire them.
2. The single most important thing to never allow recruitment companies to do, is reference checks.
Recruitment companies have vested interest in placement and gaining a commission for placing a candidate.
Due to this conflict of interest, their reference checks will never be as thorough as required to identify potential issues.
Secondly, recruitment companies, much like usual businesses, don’t usually conduct interviews that discover true past performance of a person. The interviews are more focused on experience and what the person has done.
Performia teaches you how to check the results of a person before you hire them.
Thus, the interviews are vague and provide surface level information in the interview followed by vague, less than valuable reference checks.
If you have shortlisted candidates, our recommendation is to either get fully trained and skilled so you can conduct the most effective interviews and reference checks internally, or get Performia to help you in these extra screening steps.
It will protect your team and culture.