Have you been in a situation where you felt it was all too late, there was no other solution or you felt the traditional norms had to stay and could not be changed?
A $1.7 billion-a-year public enterprise in the healthcare industry, running out of cash and $419 million loss over three years, meets a 66 year old retired banker with no industry experience who joins as their CEO.
- CEO has no industry experience.
- Industry experts considered the industry less innovative than others.
- Works pro bono?
In his first year at Jackson Health System, Carlos Migoya led a transformation that reversed years of massive losses, including an $82 million loss in the prior year. He produced a surplus of more than $8 million. It was the first time the organisation produced a surplus since 2006. In each of the following two years, the surplus topped $50 million. At the same time, healthcare quality and patient satisfaction improved, proving that public hospital systems need not choose between medical excellence and operational sustainability.
If you have a business that you want to expand and in the past at some point, have been making some sales or have an idea that can be backed, your next most strategic decision needs to be identifying the person who can execute the strategy for your business’ expansion.
It does not matter if your business is just you, or you are about to call the administrator/liquidator in as the courts are about to shut your business down.
It only matters that you want to expand. At this high level in your organisation, this is no ordinary hiring. You will be creating a mission and handing that mission over.
The possibilities are endless with the right mission created, and the right person to execute your strategy and drive that mission forward.
You can read more about Carlos Migoya’s turnaround story here.
These individuals exist and you too, can gain access to them with the right Hiring Strategy.
I hope this has been of value and you are welcome to contact Performia to find out more about how you can develop your most valuable Hiring Strategy.