I’m sharing with you a very short and clear guide on how to get an unproductive person to produce. Hopefully you don’t have many (or any) of these, but if you do, here is an instant guide for you.
How do you rev up an unproductive person?
A person who is not focused on work usually does only the necessary things and their attention is everywhere else, just not on their work.
So what should you do?
If you have someone like that in your team already, definitely realise that this person will need control and precise assignment of tasks. Do not expect initiative from them!
And here is the guide for handling the “non-producer”
1. It is necessary to give them specific goals, i.e. to clearly set out what results you expect from them.
2. In addition to the goals, set a path for them as well – exactly what, how and when they should do it.
3. Watch deadlines. Deadlines and external pressure is very important in this case. It is crucial to demand that things are completed on time.
4. You will also have to do routine control. The senior has to have constant control over an individual who is not really helpful.
When you do these steps, one of the following situations will likely happen:
A. The unproductive person will perceive it as an unpleasant pressure and will probably leave on their own. They will look for a “calmer” job. And that’s actually good for you.
B. You will no longer enjoy it. You will understand that it costs an incredible amount of time and energy, and in the end, you will find out that you can do the work yourself. Then you will say goodbye to them.
C. This person will start to produce and will be more active and independent.
Are you going to try this with anyone or are you already doing it?
I would love to hear from you – let me know how it turned out.
P.S. Do you know about our online ‘Performance Hiring’ training? You will learn that production is the absolute basics and you will learn how to spot productive candidates. See our clients talk about the training here.
PHOTO source: freepik.com